Safeguarding is the responsibility of all
At Slade Primary School we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all of our pupils. If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, please speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.
If you are unable to discuss concerns with the DSLs or any other member of staff you can contact CASS (Children’s Advice and Support Service) on 0121 303 1888.
If you have safeguarding concerns about a member of staff please contact Mr Jones (Executive Head Teacher) immediately.
If there are safeguarding concerns regarding the Executive Head Teacher, Mr Jones, please contact Mrs D Duignan, Director of Education via Arthur Terry School or contact the Local Authority Designated Officer on 0121 675 1669.
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Mr D Jones
Executive Head Teacher and Lead DSL/SPOC
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Mrs S Long
Deputy Headteacher and DSL (Maternity Leave)
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Mr S Scadeng
Assistant Headteacher and DSL
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Mrs J Evanson
Deputy Headteacher and DSL
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Mrs S Long
DSL for South Hub
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Mrs A Caldecott
ATLP Trust Safeguarding Lead (South Hub)
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Miss J Jackson
Pastoral Leader and DSL
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Mrs M Smith
South Hub SENDCo and DSL
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Miss N Bodenham
Teacher and DSL
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Mr M Minhas
Teaching Assistant and DSL
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Mrs E Thornton
Senior Office Manager and Attendance DSL
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Mrs S Marshall
Kids Club Manager and DSL
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Miss S Jeavons
Class Teacher and DSL
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Mrs J Gilfeather
IT Leader and DSL
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Ms G Begum
Learning Mentor and DSL