Our Aims

As a school, we aim to:

  • Provide a safe nurturing environment where every child thrives. Where they feel safe to be themselves and grow their knowledge and skills.
  • Have a relentless drive for our children to reach their full academic potential and ensure their social potential flourishes.
  • Ensure our children are growing into global citizens who have a range of skills to race into the future and be an active member of their community, improving life chances through a wide range of opportunities both within and outside of the classroom.
  • To celebrate the success of staff and pupils and support them to achieve their goals.
  • To celebrate and value our differences, providing equality of opportunity regardless of race, colour, creed, gender or physical ability.
  • Be the best professionals we can be through: embedding rigorous and systematic processes which continuously raise the quality of education through a cycle of research based cpd, support and challenge. We share the best practice within and outside of our school. Our CPD model nurtures outstanding professionals and future leaders for our profession.