At Slade Primary School we work hard to help remove barriers to learning and to support our children through each stage of their learning journey.
Inclusion is a process that entitles all learners; to a broad, relevant and stimulating curriculum, to an environment that will have the greatest impact on their learning, to be able to learn and to play and develop alongside each other.
Every learning environment should meet the needs of learners, families and communities and have access to effective and efficient use of resources to enable this to happen.
We hope that you find the information contained within these pages useful and informative. Please use the link to our ‘Slade School SEND Information Report’ to find out more detailed information. To discover more information about what is available for your child and your family within Birmingham, please visit the Local offer Birmingham page at:
Should you have any concerns or questions relating to your child’s academic, social, emotional and behaviour needs, please feel free to contact a member of the team.
Our SENDCo is Mrs M Smith

At Slade, we aim for all pupils with special educational needs and disabilities to achieve the very best outcomes. We offer a personalised, holistic approach to all aspects of education with a focus on both academic progress and practical, real-life skills. In order to do this, we take a variety of steps to support our pupils with SEND through their learning journey. Quality first teaching is essential; however, some of our children require additional and specialist support to help them achieve their goals.
At Slade, we know that progress is not always linear, particularly for children with learning differences and developmental needs. We encourage children to follow their own path, using a variety of approaches to secure the best outcomes.

A key part of our provision for pupils with SEND at Slade is our planning, assessment, and monitoring systems. We use:
Birmingham Toolkit (continuums)
The Birmingham SEND Toolkits are a set of resources to support the identification, provision and tracking progress for pupils with cognition and learning difficulties/speech and language needs, who are working below the level of their peers. We use these to break the curriculum into smaller steps for children in year groups 1 to 6.

Cherry Garden
Cherry Garden is a child centred framework for pupils working at a level expected for typically developing children aged 0-5. At Slade, we predominately use this in our Early Years Foundation Stage, but it is also used across school to support children when appropriate. As with the Birmingham Toolkit continuums, Cherry Garden breaks the Early Years curriculum into smaller, teachable steps to support the children’s development in all areas.
Early Support Developmental Journal
The Early Support Developmental Journal helps families and practitioners to record, support and celebrate children’s early development and identify areas where extra help may be needed. Alongside Cherry Garden, we use this to further support children in Early Years with complex needs.

Autism Progression Framework
We are currently developing the use of the Autism Progression Framework intended to further support pupils with Autism Spectrum needs. The progression framework provides a means of tailoring learning to the needs of children on the autism spectrum across the wider curriculum. Areas included in the framework are communication and interaction, social understanding, relationships and sensory processing.

Partnership with outside agencies
Where additional support and advice is needed, we work together with several outside agencies who help us by providing specialist assessments and expertise. Our outside agency partners include:
- The Communication and Autism Team (CAT)
- Educational Psychology Service (EP)
- Pupil and School Support (PSS)
- Vision Support Team (VST)
- BCHNT Plus Speech and Language Therapy
- Hearing Impairment Team
- Occupational Therapy
- Therapy/SEND Team
- Habilitation Team (Priestly Smith)
- Forward Thinking Birmingham
We also have access to therapeutic services, such as Play and Drama Therapy and Counselling.
We also refer children to a variety of healthcare professionals as appropriate. These include:
- Community Paediatrics
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- NHS Speech and Language Therapy Team
- School Nursing Team
- Health Visiting Team